Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all thy heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Amelia Bedelia comes to visit!

  It's been a busy several months! God has been faithful as always. :) It was good to be home for my grandparents' baptisms in March. God always exceeds anything that I could have imagined. I bless God for what He has done in their lives and I can't wait to see what he has in store for them in the future! I also just want to say how much that I appreciate my church family in Tremont! Especially, my dish washing ladies. :) I love you all so much and I am so thankful for you! :)
  I was blessed with the opportunity a few months ago to take care of Steph and Joel's children for two weeks. We had a great time together!  I would imagine that it was probably a little bit strange for them to have their teacher come and live with them for two weeks. I think it would have been a little strange for me as a child. Especially since all of my teachers lived at school :) :) Anyway, I now have a much deeper appreciation for single mothers that work full time!
PS: We now have a pet chicken named "Josefina" :) Pictures will follow soon! :)

My latest painting :)

Coffee filter butterflies :)

Ice cream activity :) They had to invent new flavors and then think of a good selling price.

My new stage for reader's theater! :)

Amelia Bedelia came to visit last week :) 

My stool  :)
Here we go! :)

At Gallego's with Candi, Aaron, and Marcos :)

Breakfast of champions! :)

A little too early in the morning for Diego :)


Cheri Frank said...

Love the new pastel! And that stage is brilliant :) The Rinks...remember on our first trip to CVE when we found Aaron & Marcos in the stroller outside the kitchen at 6:00am!?:))
Keep pressin on...we love you soo much! Mom

adamf said...

Sarah! I love the colors in your painting! Sounds like you've kept pretty busy. Love ya!

Kyle and Trish said...

your classroom is adorable! (and so is amelia badelia!)

Grant and Hannah Herrmann said...

sarah, I love your reader's theater stage. :) thinking of you and praying for you!